My Oriental Massage-Therapy

Oriental Massage - Therapy 


 a vital and strong body,

a bright and clear mind,

a contented and peaceful spirit

Oriental therapies are generally based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stressed, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

In Oriental medicine, meridians, also known as acupressure vessels, are energy pathways, a system or networking of invisible bodily energy channels that run and recharge the body’s energy fields. If there’s a blockage of energy in the meridian, or an over or under energy in the organs, there are meridian massage techniques that can be used to help remedy the problem.

My therapy is a synthesis of the best oriental therapies such as YUMEIHO & TIBETAN MASSAGE, REIKI and YOGA.

The treatment helps to access and release blocked energy flow in the body and stimulates a person’s own recuperative powers. This stimulation activates a person’s energies which helps with stress, tension, aches, pains, emotional challenges etc. as well as it is beneficial for general care, well-being and relaxation.

YUMEIHO (means RESTORE VITALITY) is based on Chinese and Japanese traditional medicine and includes three healing methods: different varieties of massage, chiropractic (sets rights the joints and the bones) and pressure with palm and thumb along the meridians which restore the balance of the body and the soul.

Yumeiho evolves its health-maintaining effect through restoring body symmetry, relaxing muscles and joints, and harmonizing meridian energy with an emphasis on correcting the imbalance of pelvic bones and spine.

TIBETAN method is also an energy work on the meridians and used in more sensitive areas of the body as pressure points are stimulated with fingers.

REIKI treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include deep relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well-being.

The system of YOGA is built on three main structures: exercise, breathing, and meditation. The exercises of Yoga are designed to put pressure on the glandular systems of the body, thereby increasing its efficiency and total health. Yoga produces a clear, bright mind and a strong, capable body.

  • improves the general condition of the body, the function of the inner organs and the nutrition of the cells
  • increases the elasticity and flexibility of the joints, the spine and the muscles
  • revives the blood circulation
  • relaxes deeply the whole body
  • effects positively on the psyche
  • reduces stress and pain
  • harmonizes the balance between the body and soul
  • increases energy level and vitality
Flexibility and Strength

Charity Event in Snowdon, Wales, UK, 2012

Sportfest, Budapest, Hungary 2011


  1. It was a fantastic experience with Angallena and her therapy, she gave me lots of positive energy and still relaxed me. I also got back the faith in myself and feeling to restart my life. Thank you for the emotional and physical support!

  2. Amazing healing-meditative massage and a very professional service. This oriental massage therapy release all pain and make you feel light and relaxed! Thank you! Sean

  3. Thank you Angallena for the amazing experience you gave me. I had the most challenging period of my life recently, I had a burn out and my private life collapsed this year. You could help me with relaxation, positive energie with a combination of body massage and soul support. I thought that this will be a normal massage but I have never expected to get my soul healed after some occassions. Thank you! I will recommend you for all my friends who need to get back their life balance. God bless you - Angallena press you!

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